RTI Projects Basic Research 2021
Social Cohesion in Transition
Social cohesion is an urgent challenge in view of the increasing polarisation and division of society as well as current social crises. The topic is taken up with the call "Social cohesion in transition," focusing in particular on the following priorities:
• Social inclusion, cohesion and resilience
• Impacts of globalisation and digitalisation
• Identity and cultural heritage
Social inclusion, cohesion and resilience: This focus deals with all aspects of social inequality, marginalisation, discrimination and radicalisation, or their counterparts, inclusion and social cohesion. Social resilience, in turn, deals with the question of societies' capacity for resistance and regeneration in the face of crises and disruptions.
Impacts of globalisation and digitalisation: The focus here is on the diverse impacts of accelerated societal, socio-economic and cultural change through globalisation and digitalisation in connection with societal and social cohesion. Examples include polarisation and social fragmentation through echo chambers in social networks or impacts on the working and living environment of the population.
Identity and cultural heritage: Dealing with cultural heritage as well as art, culture and creative industries are driving forces for a sense of cultural belonging and for social cohesion. This focus therefore addresses all aspects of cultural identity and heritage and their impact on stabilising or destabilising societies.